
After a quiet few days Oreo, an 8 week old, fluffy black kitten with white socks and cheeks with a patch of proud whiskers on either side, trots into my apartment. He shoves his nose excitedly into every object he encounters, disappearing under sofas and tables then magically reappearing on the other side of the room. He quickly discovers the litter tray by first popping his two front paws onto the ledge, followed by his back paws, wobbling a bit, then toppling in. After some more exploring I give him lunch, which he devours immediately before wandering off, veering from side to side under the weight of his swollen tummy. He just makes it to the foot of the sofa before collapsing onto the floor and falling fast asleep. He wakes a few moments later as if he’s just remembered something important and then giving himself a few cursory licks falls back to sleep.
I lift Oreo onto the sofa and he wakes with a yawn. He is immediately back in action mode and is soon climbing the giant scratch post and hovering at the top with one paw outstretched like a miniature King Kong about to beat is chest. Leaping down he heads for the sofa, determined to conquer it this time. Before long he is leaping from seat to seat, traversing the back ledge and inching his way downtown cushions until he reaches the seats. There is no stopping this intrepid little explorer and in two giant leaps he is back on the floor.
Overcome by a sudden fatigue, no doubt brought on by extreme adventure, Oreo makes his way over to the armchair with his blanket on and promptly falls fast asleep.